Tagged with Meal Planning

Month in Review

I’ve had several people asking me how our monthly meal planning has gone, so I thought I’d post a little review and share what I’ve learned. Let’s start with what worked and what I’ll be doing again this month: Making a menu for the entire month at one sitting saved me a lot of time … Continue reading


So looking through my past blogs, I realized that I’ve spent a lot of time blogging about food! Ha!  You can tell where my priorities lie…  :) Well, I thought I’d mix it up a bit and share a bit about what takes up most of my time… being a mom!  It is a real … Continue reading

Menu for a Month of Meals

Since I’ve started talking about my new adventure in planning and shopping for a month of meals all at once, I’ve had a couple of friends ask me for help in getting their own meal planning organized.  I’m still very much a newbie at this, but am happy to share what I’m learning. I thought … Continue reading

Food for a Whole Month!

So yesterday I started on a new adventure… grocery shopping for a whole month at a time!  I was inspired by this pin I saw on Pinterest, which led me to this blog where I discovered that maybe this was something do-able for me. I had heard of women shopping for a month all at once, … Continue reading